
Europe at School activities aim at raising awareness of European citizenship and encouraging active European citizenship among young people. Based on non-formal education and learning methods, they are carried in the formal school system and in non-formal learning contexts.

JEF sections and partners organise regular actions related to civic education and have developed their own tools and methodology for these actions.

The Trainings

Thanks to this project, a series of three trainings was organised. During these trainings, participants from more than 10 European countries were trained to deliver more innovative Europe at School activities. Participants exchanged good practices, shared information regarding the different opportunities and obstacles in their countries and had the chance reflect upon the existing tools, use their creativity to develop new ones and practice on the spot.

A first training, taking place in Lyon, France, 23-27 May 2018, focused on Primary Schools. A second training, taking place in Lisbon, Portugal, 25-29 October 2018, focused on Secondary Education. A third training, taking place in Brussels, Belgium, 13-17 March 2019, focused on Vocational Education and Training (VET).


flagship tools

le Puzzle des Institutions

Le sac européen

Trivial Europe.


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